


(1) Saito, H., Shimahara, T. and Fukada, Y. (1970)
Four types of responses to light and dark spot stimuli in the cat optic nerve
Tohoku J. exp. Med., 102 (2), 127-133.

Response characteristics of the previously categorized four types of cat retinal ganglion cells (ON-,OFF-,ON- and OFF-) were investigated using light and dark spot stimuli by recordings of unit discharges from the optic tract, and phasic and tonic nature of these four types of cells were further clarified. ON- and OFF- are phasic in nature and respond to only a transient increase and decrease in luminance, respectively. ON- and OFF-are tonic and continue to respond to a stationary light and dark contrast, respectively. Besides, a difference is also found between ON- and ON- in the firing patterns of the transient response to a bright spot stimulus. ON- responds to the onset of a bright spot with an initial burst followed by dispersed discharges. In ON-s transient response, initial discharge rate is as high as that of ON-s burst, but in contrast with the case of ON-s response, the discharge rate gradually decreases toward a mean rate of sustained responses to the spot.

2) Fukada, Y. and Saito, H. (1971)
The relationship between response characteristics to flicker stimulation and receptive field organization in the cat's
optic nerve fibers. Vision Res., 11 (3), 227-240.

(1) The average impulse frequency in Type -fibers (phasic type) increases, passes through a maximum, and finally falls off, as the flicker frequency increases. On the other hand, the average impulse frequency in Type-fibers (tonic type) remains almost unchanged over a wide range of flicker frequencies.
(2) In type, the highest flicker frequency at which the unit responds faithfully to individual flashes (CCF), is correlated positively with conduction velocity. For Type the CCF is not correlated with conduction velocity. Some Type-units change responsiveness during flicker stimulation, and often stop the firing for several hundred msec.
(3) In all Type -fibers there is a definite relation between the CCF and the maximum impulse frequency, while in Type the relation between them is not clear.
(4) The majority of Type-fibers which had a distinct antagonistic surround in their receptive field showed repetitive firing at high frequency (about 200 Hz) when the flicker frequency was adjusted properly around the frequency which elicited the maximum impulse frequency.
(5) It is concluded that Type is suitable for processing temporal information, while Type is suitable for processing spatial information.

3) Saito, H., Shimahara, T. and Fukada, Y. (1971)
Phasic and tonic responses in the cat optic nerve fibers
Stimulus-response relations
Tohoku J. exp. Med.,104 (4), 313-323.

4) Fukada, Y. and Saito, H. (1972)
Phasic and tonic cells in the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus.
Tohoku J. exp. Med., 106 (2), 209-210.

5) Fukada, Y. and Saito, H. (1972)
Directionally selective units in the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus. In The Visual System
(ed. by Arden, G. B.),
Plenum Press, pp. 125-136.

6) Saito, H. and Fukada, Y. (1973)
Repetitive firing of the cat's retinal ganglion cell
Vision Res., 13 (2), 263-270.

The induced activity which was previously found to be elicited by flickering lightspots in Type-歡ells (phasic cells) of the cats retina could also be elicited by diffuse flicker and by repetitive antidromic stimulation of the ganglion cell. This activity was elicited when the ganglion cell was activated at high frequency for long period (at 120-250 impulses/sec for about 1min), and lasted for about 1min with regularly-spaced high frequency discharges (initial frequency, 100-200 impulses/sec) and suddenly ceased when the discharge rate reduced monotonically to about a half. For Type-cells (tonic cells), either the flickering light stimulation or the repetitive antidromic stimulation of the cells failed to elicit induced activity. The above differences could reflect the differences in the receptive field organization between Type-歛nd Type-cells.

7) Saito, H. and Fukada, Y. (1975)
Gain control mechanisms within the receptive field center of cat's retinal ganglion cells
Vision Res., 15 (12), 1407-1410.

8) 斎藤 秀昭 (1976)
日本生理学雑誌 38 (12), 489-502.

9) Saito, H. (1981)
The effects of strychnine and bicuculline on the responses of X- and Y-cells of the isolated eye-cup preparation of the cat
Brain Res., 212 (1), 243-248.

Key words: inhibitory mechanism receptive field X, Y retinal ganglion cell drug effect isolated eye-cupcat

The effects of strychnine and bicuculline, the respective antagonists of glycine and GABA, on the inhibitory responses of X- and Y-type retinal ganglion cells of the cat were investigated using an isolated eye-cup preparation. The surround inhibition of the on-center X-cell was blocked by strychnine, whereas that of the on-center Y-cell was blocked by bicuculline. In the case of the off-center cells, bicuculline indifferently blocked the center and the surround responses of either the X-cell or the Y-cell, but strychnine did not.

10) Saito, H. (1982)
Pharmacological differences in the surround mechanism between on-center X- and Y-cells of the excised and perfused eye-cup preparations of the cat
Biomedical Res., 3, Suppl., 79-82.

11) Saito, H. (1983)
Morphology of physiologically identified X-, Y-, and W-type retinal ganglion cells of the cat.
J. Comp. Neurol., 221 (3), 279-288.

Retinal ganglion cells of the cat have been classified physiologically into X-, Y,- and W-cells, on the basis of the receptive field properties, and morphologically into α-, β-, and γ-cells.
In order to study directly the correspondence between these classifications, intracellular recordings from the ganglion cells in superfused eye-cup preparations were made with the aid of microelectrodes filled with Lucifer yellow CH. The cells were stained after their photic responses were studies under mesopic adaptation.
X-cells, showing sustained depolarization (on-center cells) or hyperpolarization (off-center cells) in response to a spot of light had medium-sized round somata and spread bushy dendrites within a narrow retinal area. On the other hand, on-center and off-center Y-cells, showing transient responses to the spot stimulus, had large somata and widely expanded thick dendrites which were sparsely branched. W-cells which showed weak sustained responses had widely extended thin and winding dendrites, despite a small somal size. These morphological features of Y-, X-, and sustained W-cells correspond well to those ofα-, β-, and δ-cells (a subtype of γ-cells), respectively. The hypothesis of “morphology reflecting function”is strongly supported.
Key words: X-cell, Y-cell, W-cell, function, intracellular staining

12) Saito, H. (1983)
Pharmacological and morphological differences between X- and Y-type ganglion cells in the cat's retina.
Vision Res., 23 (11),1299-1308.

13) 小山田 浩 *、田中 啓治、斎藤 秀昭、深田 芳郎 (1985, March)  *印 東北大工
信学技報、BME84 (257), 39-46.

14) 野中 かお美 +、塚田 稔 +、彦坂 和雄 *、靭負 政雄 *、岩井 栄一 *、
田中 啓治、斎藤 秀昭、深田 芳郎 (1985, March)  +印 玉川大工、*印(財)東京神経研・医学心理
信学技報、MBE84 (257), 33-38.

15) 小山田 浩 *、田中 啓治、斎藤 秀昭、深田 芳郎、 木村 政行 *(1986, March)*印 東北大工
信学技報、MBE85 (331), 165ー174.

16) Saito, H. and Fukada, Y. (1986)
Gain control mechanisms in X- and Y-type retinal ganglion cells of the cat.
Vision Res., 26 (3), 391-408.

A change in responsiveness caused by a spot of light (conditioning spot, CS; 3 sec in duration) presented within a central region of the receptive field of X-and Y-type retinal ganglion cells of the cat was investigated by measuring the magnitude of responses to another spot of light (test spot, TS; 50 msec in duration) which was juxtaposed with the CS within the same receptive fields central region. Responses to the TS were suppressed steadily during the on-phase of the CS as if it were divided by a certain value. This fact indicates that the gain of the center mechanism was changed by the CS presentation. The setting of the gain to a new level was rapid (within 100 msec after the onset or the cessation of the CS), and the magnitude of a gain change was not affected by the surround antagonism. These characteristics of the gain control were common to X- and Y-cells under both mesopic and scotopic levels of light adaptation.
Key words: Gain control, Sensitivity, Receptive field, Retina, Ganglion cell , X-cell, Y-cell, Cat

17) Tanaka, K., Hikosaka, K., Saito, H., Yukie, M., Fukada, Y. and Iwai, E. (1986)
Analysis of local and wide-field movements in the superior temporal visual areas of the macaque monkey.
J. Neurosci., 6 (1), 134-144.

The middle temporal (MT) and medial superior temporal (MST) areas of the macaque cortex have many cells that respond to straight movements in the frontoparallel plane with directional selectivity (D cells). We examined their responses to movements of a bar, of a wide dot pattern, and to combined movements of the two in anesthetized and immobilized animals. D cells in MT showed a wide variety in the strength of the inhibitory field surrounding the excitatory center field. Responses of SI+-type cells to a bar moving across the excitatory field were suppressed when a wide dot pattern moved over the surround field in the same direction and at the same speed as the bar. Inhibition was selective to the direction and speed of the surround movement, and the effective area for inhibition occupied a wide area, which expanded in all radial directions. Responses of SI−-type cells to a center bar movement were changed little by a conjoint movement over the surround field. Consequently, SI−-type cells responded to wide-field movement as well as to stimuli confined within the excitatory field. Although D cells in MST commonly had large excitatory fields, a proportion of them (Figure type) responded to bar movement much more strongly than to wide field movement. Their responses to a bar movement were suppressed direction-selectively by a conjoint movement of a wide dot-pattern background. The effective area for inhibition coexisted with the excitatory field in these cells. MST cells of the Nonselective type responded comparably well to the two stimuli, and those of the Field type responded much more strongly to wide-field movement than to bar movement. It is thus suggested that MT cells of the SI+ type and MST cells of the Figure type can detect a difference between movements of an object and its wide background, whereas MST cells of the Field type can detect a conjoint movement of a wide field, neglecting the movements of a single object.

18) Saito, H., Yukie, M., Tanaka, K., Hikosaka, K., Fukada, Y. and Iwai, E. (1986)
Integration of direction signals of image motion in the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque monkey.
J. Neurosci., 6 (1), 145-157.

Using anesthetized and paralyzed monkeys, we have studied the visual response properties of neurons in the cortical area surrounding the middle temporal area (MT) in the superior temporal sulcus (STS). Systematic electrode penetrations revealed that there is a functionally distinct region where three classes of directionally selective cells with large receptive fields cluster. This region is anteriorly adjoined to the dorsal two-thirds of MT, has a width of 4-5mm mediolaterally, and therefore may correspond to the dorsal part of the medial superior temporal area (MST), which was previously defined as a MT-recipient zone. One class of cells responded to a straight movement of patterns in the frontoparallel plane with directional selectivity (D cells: 217/422, 51.4%). The second class of cells selectivity responded to an expanding or contracting size change of patterns (S cells: 66/422, 15.7%). These cells responded neither to a change in width of a slit of any orientation or any length, nor to a change in brightness. The third class of cells responded only to a rotation of patterns in one direction (R cells: 58/422, 13.7%). A majority of these cells (41/58) responded to the clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of patterns in the frontoparallel plane (Rf cells), while the rest responded to a rotation of patterns in depth (Rd cells). We will suggest that those cells acquire the ability to discover whole events of visual motioni.e., unidirectional straight movement, size change (radial movement), and rotationby integrating elemental motion information extracted by MT cells. The receptive fields of D,S, and Rf cells can be constructed by converging signals of MT cells, the preferred directions of which are arranged in parallel (D cells), radially (S cells), and circularly (Rf cells). The receptive fields of Rd cells can be constructed, in turn, by the convergence of signals of S cells.

19) 斎藤 秀昭、田中 啓治、磯野 春雄、安田 稔、三上 章允 *  (1987, March) *印 京大霊長研
信学技報、MBE86 (400), 227-232.

20) Saito, H., Tanaka, K., Fukada, Y. and Oyamada, H. (1988)
Analysis of discontinuity in visual contours in area 19 of the cat
J. Neurosci., 8 (4), 1131-1143.

Previous ablation studies have suggested that area 19 of the cat plays an important role in pattern discrimination. To clarify the function roles unique to area 19, we studied the receptive-field properties of cells in area 19 and compared them with those of cells in area 17.
Recordings were mode of anesthetized and immobilized animals. The majority (72%) of the cells in area 17 responded maximally to an elongated bar at a particular orientation, while they responses only weakly or not at all to a small spot (elongation-requiring cells). In contrast, more than half (63%) of the cells in area 19 showed a good response to a nonoriented small stimulus moving in any direction (dot-responsive cells). Two-thirds of the dot-responsive cells in area 19 failed to respond when the moving slit was elongated to more than some length in any orientation. These dot-responsive cells of the “inhibited-by-length” type responded strongly to the end of a long bar, and many of them also responded strongly to a break point in the middle of a long bar. We suggest that these dot-responsive cells of the “inhibited-by-length” type detect discontinuities in contours.
Though they are in the minority, elongation-requiring cells constitute a considerable population (37%) in area 19, and dot-responsive and elongation-requiring cells form columnar patches in the same area. We conclude that, in contrast to area 17, whose main role is the decomposition of patterns into oriented contours, area 19 analyzes both orientation and discontinuities, with a strong bias towards the latter.

21) Hikosaka, K., Iwai, E., Saito, H. and Tanaka, K. (1988)
Polysensory properties of neurons in the anterior bank of the caudal superior temporal sulcus of the macaque monkey
J. Neurophysiol., 60 (5), 1615-1637

1. We examined the sensory properties of cells in the anterior bank of the caudal part of the superior temporal sulcus (caudal STS) in anesthetized, paralyzed monkeys to visual, auditory, and somesthetic stimuli.
2. In the anterior bank of the caudal STS, there were three regions distinguishable from each other and also from the middle temporal area (MT) in the floor of the STS and area Tpt in the superior temporal gyrus. The three regions were located approximately in the respective inner, middle, and outer thirds of the anterior bank of the caudal STS. These three regions are referred to, from the inner to the outer, as the medial superior temporal region (MST), the mostly unresponsive region
, and the caudal STS polysensory region (cSTS), respectively.
3. The extent of MST and its response properties agreed with previous studies. Cells in MST responded exclusively to visual stimuli, had large visual receptive fields (RFs), and nearly all (91%) showed directional selectivity.
4. In the mostly unresponsive region, three quarters of cells were unresponsive to any stimulus used in this study. A quarter of the cells responded to only visual stimuli and most did not show directional selectivity for moving stimuli. Several directionally selective cells responded to movements of three-dimensional objects, but not of projected stimuli.
5. The response properties of cells in the superficial cortex of the caudal superior temporal gyrus, a part of area Tpt, external to cSTP were different from those of cells in the three regions in the anterior bank of the STS. Cells in Tpt were exclusively auditory, and had much larger auditory RFs (mean=271°) than those of acoustically-driven cSTP cells (mean = 138°).
6. The cSTP contained unimodal visual, auditory, and somesthetic cells as well as multimodal cells of two or all three modalities. The sensory properties of cSTP cells were as follows.
1) Out of 200 cells recorded, 102 (51%) cells were unimodal (59 visual, 33 auditory, and 10 somesthetic), 36 (18%) cells were bimodal (21 visual+auditory, 7 visual+somesthetic, and 8 auditory+somesthetic), and four (2%) cells were trimodal. Visual and auditory responses were more frequent than somesthetic responses; the ratio of the population of cells driven by visual:auditory:somesthetic stimuli was 3:2:1.
2) Visual RFs were large (mean diameter, 59°), but two-thirds were limited to the contralateral visual hemifield. About half the cells showed directional selectivity for moving visual stimuli. None showed selectivity for particular visual shapes.
3) Auditory RFs were large and mostly located in the contralateral hemifield. Most cells responded similarly to several auditory stimuli, such as pure tones, white noise, human voices, and hand clapping, although a few cells showed selectivity for complex sound. Few cells were selective for moving auditory stimuli.
4) Somesthetic responses were evoked by cutaneous stimuli, such as a light touch on the skin and bending single hairs. Samesthetuc RFs were large and mostly located on the dorsal surface of the trunk. Most cells were not selective for moving somesthetic stimuli
5) For most visual+auditory cells, the visual RFs were included in the auditory RFs (overlapping type). For other visual+auditory cells, the auditory RFs were juxtaposed to the periphery of the visual RFs (complementary type).
6) The overlapping and complementary organizations of RF positions were also found in the combination of somatosensory input with visual and/or auditory inputs. Cells of the overlapping type had the somesthetic RFs on the surface of the body fronting on the external space where their visual and/ or auditory RFs were located. By contrast, cells of the complementary type had the somesthetic RFs on the surface of the body not fronting on their visual and/or auditory RFs.
7) A small number of multimodal cells showed analogous selectivity across stimulus modalities. For example, a visual+somesthetic cell exhibited a matched directional selectivity for the movements of visual and somesthetic stimuli.
8) The findings suggest that cSTP is involved in global attention, but not in focal attention nor in object recognition.

22) Saito, H., Tanaka, K., Isono, H., Yasuda, M. and Mikami, A. (1989)
Directionally selective response of cells in the middle temporal area (MT) of the macaque monkey to the movement of equiluminous opponent color stimuli
Exp. Brain Res., 75, 1-14.

Based on the fact that a great majority of cells in the middle temporal (MT) area of the macaque respond to movement of luminance contours with directional selectivity, this area has been thought to be concerned with the analysis of visual motion. However, objects can be discriminated from the background not only by differences in luminance but also by differences in color. It is possible that color signals are also used for motion analysis in MT. In the present study, we examined whether MT cells respond to movement of a pattern composed of pure color-contours. Using a color TV system, a moving color bar was displayed on a uniform background whose color was opponent with that of the bar. The main bar/background color combination we examined was magenta/cyan. Yellow/blue and cyan/magenta combinations were also examined for some cells. The response of MT cells to movements of opponent-color stimuli was recorded while the bar/background luminance ratio was changed from 1/10 to 10/1. In half of 89 cells tested in 3 monkeys, the response decreased considerably (disappeared completely in some cells) at a luminance ratio close to the human equiluminous condition. In the other half, a directional response persisted at any bar/background luminance ratio, though the response decreased to a varied extent (30-90% of the maximum response) near the ratio 1 (human equiluminous condition). The average magnitude of the equiluminous response to the magenta/cyan stimulus for the overall population was about 35% of the maximal response when the length of the bar (0.5°in width) and the movement amplitude were set to be optimal for individual cells, i.e. smaller than 15° and 10°of visual angle, respectively. This fall to 23% when the bar length and movement amplitude were limited to 2°. The same cell responded to pure color-contours of yellow/blue as well as of cyan/magenta combinations. Thus, MT can detect the direction of movement of pure color-contours, although the sensitivity is less than for luminance contours.
Key words: Middle temporal (MT) area , Visual motion analysis , Directional selectivity , Color contour ミ Monkey

23) Tanaka, K. and Saito, H. (1989)
Analysis of motion of the visual field by Direction, Expansion/Contraction, and Rotation cells clustered in the dorsal part ofthe medial superior temporal area of the macaque monkey.
J. Neurophysiol., 62 (3), 626-641.

24) Tanaka, K., Fukada, Y. and Saito, H. (1989)
Underlying mechanisms of the response specificity of Expansion /Contraction and Rotation cells in the dorsal part of the medial
superior temporal area of the macaque monkey.
J. Neurophysiol., 62 (3), 642-656.

1. The dorsal part of medial superior temporal area (MST) has two unique types of visually responsive cells: 1) expansion/contraction cells, which selectively respond to either an expansion or a contraction; and 2) rotation cells, which selectively respond to either a clockwise or a counterclockwise rotation. In addition to selectivity for the mode of motion, both types of cells respond preferentially to movements over a wide field rather than over a small field. With the aim of understanding the underlying mechanisms of these selectivities, we carried out experiments on immobilized monkeys anesthetized with N2O.
2. Expansion/contraction and rotation of a pattern extending over a wide field contain three stimulus factors: 1) the spatial arrangement of different directions of movement, 2) the gradient in the speed of regional movement from the center to the periphery of the stimulus, and 3) the size change of texture components of the pattern in the expansion/contraction and the acceleration of movement of texture components toward the center of the stimulus in the rotation. The contribution of each factor to the activation of the cells was evaluated by comparing the response before and after removing the factor from the stimulus. The moving stimuli that lacked one or two of the factors were produced by the use of a cinematographic animation technique.
3. Withdrawal of the first factor, the spatial arrangement of different directions of movement, reduced the response of both Expansion/contraction and Rotation cells much more severely than either of the other two factors. We conclude that the first factor is far more important for activation than the other two.
4. These results are consistent with the model that Expansion/contraction and Rotation cells receive converging inputs from many directional cells with relatively small receptive fields in different parts of the visual field. Because MST receives strong fiber projections from MT, MT cells are candidates for the input cells. According to the model, if the convergence is organized so that the preferred directions of the input cells are arranged radially, the target cell will be an Expansion/contraction cell; if the input cells are arranged circularly, a Rotation cell will result.

25) 中嶋 浩、水野 真、樋田 栄揮、斎藤 秀昭、塚田 稔 (1990, March )
信学技報、 NC89 (463), 159-164.

26) Tanaka, K., Saito, H., Fukada, Y. and Moriya, M. (1991)
Coding visual images of objects in the inferotemporal cortex of the macaque monkey.
J. Neurophysiol., 66 (1), 170-189.

1. The inferotemporal cortex (IT) has been thought to play an essential and specific role in visual object discrimination and recognition, because a lesion of IT in the monkey results in a specific deficit in learning tasks that require these visual functions. To understand the cellular basis of the object discrimination and recognition processes in IT, we determined the optimal stimulus of individual IT cells in anesthetized, immobilized monkeys.
2. In the posterior one-third or one-fourth of IT, most cells could be activated maximally by bars or disks just by adjusting the size, orientation, or color of the stimulus.
3. In the remaining anterior two-thirds or three-quarters of IT, most cells required more complex features for their maximal activation.
4. The critical feature for the activation of individual anterior IT cells varied from cell to cell: a complex shape in some cells and a combination of texture or color with contour-shape in other cells.
5. Cells that showed different types of complexity for the critical feature were intermingled throughout anterior IT, whereas cells recorded in single penetrations showed critical features that were related in some respects.
6. Generally speaking, the critical features of anterior IT cells were moderately complex and can be thought of as partial features common to images of several different natural objects. The selectivity to the optimal stimulus was rather sharp, although not absolute. We thus propose that, in anterior IT, images of objects are coded by combinations of active cells, each of which represents the presence of a particular partial feature in the image.

27) Saito, H., Mizuno, M., Nakajima, H. Kaneko, M. Hida, E. and Tsukada, M.(1991)
A high degree of noise tolerance in human visual flow discriminaiton.
Artificial Neural Networks, North-Holland., Vol.2,

28) Saito, H., Mizuno, M., Nakajima, H. Kaneko, M. Hida, E. and Tsukada, M.(1991)
Response of directionally selective cells of the macaque dorsal MST area to visual flow with directional noise and its relation to the noise tolerance in human visual flow discrimination.
Artificial Neural Networks, North-Holland., Vol.2, 1401-1404.

29) Tanaka, K., Sugita, Y., Moriya, M. and Saito, H. (1993)
Analysis of object motion in the ventral part of the medial superior temporal area of the macaque visual cortex.
J. Neurophysiol., 69 (1), 128-142.

1. The medial superior temporal area (MST) is an extrastriate area of the macaque visual cortex. Cells in MST have large receptive fields and respond to moving stimuli with directional selectivity. We previously suggested that the dorsal part of MST is mainly involved in analysis of field motion caused by movements of the animal itself, because most cells in the dorsal part preferentially responded to movements of a wide textured field rather than to movements of a small stimulus. To determine whether the remaining ventral part of MST differs in function from the dorsal part, we examined properties of cells in the ventral part in comparison with those of cells in the dorsal part, using anesthetized and paralyzed preparation.
2. Most cells in the ventral part preferably responded to movements of a small stimulus rather than to movements of a wide textured field.
3. Although the cells in the ventral part did not respond to movements of a textured field over a large window, many of them began to respond when a small stationary object was introduced in front of the moving field. The direction to which the cells responded in this stimulus configuration was opposite to the direction in which they responded to movements of an object on a stationary background. Activities of these cells thus represented the direction of relative movement of an object on a background, irrespective of whether the image of the object or the background moved on the retina.
4. We conclude that the ventral part of MST is distinctive from the dorsal part of MST and is mainly involved in the analysis of object movements in external space.

30) 斎藤 秀昭、樋田 栄揮、長尾 秀格、金井 邦光 (1994)
信学技報、NC94 (129), 63-68.

31) 斎藤 秀昭、樋田 栄揮、塚田 稔、水野 真、森 晃徳 (1995)
玉川大学工学部紀要、30, 145-149.

32) 倉地 洋介、大野 裕史、佐藤 祥子、中野 潤、羽田 茂、樋田 栄揮、斎藤秀昭 (1996)
信学技報、NC95 (599), 239-246.

33) 大野 裕史、赤司 牧子、堤 啓三、中尾 充男、成田 誠、樋田 栄揮、斎藤秀昭 (1996)
信学技報、NC95 (599), 247-254.

34) Tsukada, M., Aihara, T., Saito, H. and Kato, H. (1996)
Hippocampal LTP depends on spatial and temporal correlation of inputs.
Neural Networks, 9 (8), 1357-1365.

We studied the LTP inducing factors using temporally and spatially modulated stimuli given to the hippocampal neural network. It was found that when the spatial factors were maintained to be constant the positive correlation in the successive inter-stimulus intervals contributes to produce larger LTP. On the other hand, if the temporal factors are kept constant, the spatial coincidence contributes to produce larger LTP. We propose a learning rule by which these experimental results can be consistently interpreted.
Key words: LTP, Hippocampus, Spatio-temporel stimuli, Learning rule, Optical recording

35) 小田島桂一、入江真太郎、小野田昌弘、平井貴子、玉野井太智、樋田 栄揮、斎藤秀昭 (1997)
2方向重畳 Visual-Flow の心理的認知特性とその基礎となる神経過程。
信学技報、NC97-20, 73-78.

36) 秦奈緒美、二方明、向山重徳、小田島桂一、樋田 栄揮、斎藤秀昭 (1997)
信学技報、NC97-21, 79-82.

37) Saito, H., Hida, E., Ohno, H., Odajima, K. and Tamanoi, D. (1997)
Perception of visual flow composed of texture of different attributes and its neural
representation. In: Progress in Connectionist-Based Information Systems. (Proc. ICONIP'97-Dunedin), Springer, Vol.1, 10-13.

38) Nomura, M., Hida, E., Odajima, K., Tamanoi, D., and Saito, H. (1998)
Area MT cells detect an illusory line motion.
IOVS (Investi. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci.) 39 (4), S904.

39) Okamoto, H., Kawakami, S., Saito, H., Hida, E., Odajima, K., Tamanoi, D., and Ohno, H. (1998)
Physiological validation of bimodal direction tunings predicted by a motion detection model in area MT of monkey.
Proceed. ICONIP'98, Vol. 3, 1422-1425.

40) Hida, E., Saito, H., Ohno, H., Odajima, K., and Tamanoi, D. (1998)
Neural correlate for the perception of two-directional transparent visual flow.
Proceed. ICONIP'98, Vol. 3, 1551-1554.

41) Okamoto, H., Kawakami, S., Saito, H., Hida, E. (1998)
Macaque MT neurons exhibit two types of bimodality in direction tunings.
Society For Neurosci. Abstract '98, Part 2, 1745.

42) Okamoto, H., Kawakami, S., Saito, H., Hida, E., Odajima, K., Tamanoi, D., Ohno, H.(1999)
MT neurons in the macaque exhibited two types of bimodal direction tuning as predicted by a model for visual motion detection
Vision Research., 39. 3465-3479

We previously proposed a model for detecting local image velocity on the magnocellular visual pathway (Kawakami & Okamoto (1996) Vision Research
, 36, 117-147). The model detects visual motion in two stages using the hierarchical network that includes component and pattern cells in area MT. To validate the model, we predicted two types of bimodal direction tuning for MT neurons. The first type is characteristic of component cells. The tuning is bimodal when stimulated with high-speed spots, but unimodal for low-speed spots or for bars. The interval between the two peaks widens as the spots speed increases. The second type is characteristic of pattern cells. The tuning is bimodal when stimulated with low-speed bars, but unimodal for high-speed bars or for spots. The interval widens as the bars speed decreases. To confirm this prediction, we studied the change of direction tuning curves for moving spots and bars in area MT of macaque monkeys. Out of 35 neurons measured at various speeds, six component cells and four pattern cells revealed the predicted bimodal tunings. This result provided neurophysiological support for the validity of the model. We believe ours is the first systematic study that records the two types of bimodality in MT neurons.
Key words: Network model; Local image velocity; Bimodal direction tuning: Single cell response; Area MT

43) 重原隆一朗、橋本直樹、大野裕史、樋田栄揮、斎藤秀昭 (2000)
信学技報、NC99-158, 61-68.

44) 橋本直樹、斎藤秀昭、樋田栄揮、大野裕史(2001)
信学技報、NC2001-13, 27-31.

45) 斎藤秀昭、樋田栄揮(2001)
Visual flow の認知特性と脳内神経情報表現
玉川大学学術研究所紀要、7, 85-97.

46) 大野裕史,橋本直樹,樋田栄揮,斎藤秀昭 (2002)
MST野細胞集団の活動プロフィルによるvisual flowおよびその運動残効認知の情報表現
日本神経回路学会誌, Vol.9, No.1, 4-15

 We propose a hypothesis 'population representation of visual flow by the activity profile of MST cells', which assumes that the perception of all kinds of visual flow (uniform translation, rotation, approaching, receding, etc.) and of motion aftereffects caused by them would be directly related to the activity-profile of the cells in the dorsal part of the MST area.
 In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated properties of both visual flow perception and the motion aftereffect (by psychophysical experiments on human subjects), and compared with MST cells' activities measured during and after giving various flow stimuli (by single cell recordings from anaesthetized monkeys).
We have confirmed that we perceive characteristic motion aftereffect the direction of which was opposite to the adapting stimuli; for example, perception of counter-clockwise rotation against a stationary texture-field after receiving a flow of clockwise rotation.
 MST cells, which responded selectively to the particular mode of visual flow, reduced their activities after receiving the prolonged flow stimulus moving in the preferred direction, whereas increased their activities after receiving the flow moving in the opposite direction. These response properties strongly support proposed hypothesis.
 We can interpret the properties of the perception of a transparent visual flow (superposition of two translations of different directions) and of its motion aftereffect with the 'population representation hypothesis', consistently, by assuming the existence of two sub-types, named 'component type' and 'integration type', in MST cells responding selectively to the translational flow. The existence of the two sub-types was verified in our present experiments.

47) 大野裕史,橋本直樹,樋田栄揮,斎藤秀昭 (2002)
立体的visual flowに対するマカクザルMST野細胞の反応
日本神経回路学会誌, Vol.9, No.4, 215-223

 Three-dimensional visual flow caused by self-movements provides important cues for the perception of space, and thus for the perception and control of own movement.
 At least 3 depth-cues built up by moving elements are contained in such a flow. One is purely dynamic signal independent of a visual pattern of a facing scene, i.e., 'speed-gradient'. The other two are rather static signal called 'perspective', i.e., 'size-gradient' and 'density-gradient' in a texture pattern.
 We investigated relative contribution of the three cues for the perceptual impression of 3-dimensional space by presenting computer-generated virtual flow stimuli in which the three cues are controlled independently. As expected, the contribution of speed-gradient was most strong, a medium was texture size-gradient, and the weakest was texture density-gradient.
 We also investigated response-properties of cells in macaque MST-area using similar stimuli. MST cells are classified into three groups according to the different response-behaviors to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional visual flow. Based on these results, a psychology-physiology correspondence is suggested.

48) 大野裕史,橋本直樹,樋田栄揮,斎藤秀昭 (2003)
MST野細胞集団の活動分布形によるvisual flowおよびその運動残効認知の情報表現
信学技報, NC2002-227 (2003-03), 143-148

   We propose a hypothesis 'population representation of visual flow by the activity profile of MST cells', which assumes that the perception of all kinds of visual flow and of motion aftereffects caused by them would be directly related to the activity-profile of the cells in the dorsal part of  the MST area. In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated properties of both visual flow perception and the motion aftereffect, and compared with MST cells’ activities measured during and after giving various flow stimuli.


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  視覚神経系の構造とその情報処理。 情報処理、30 (2), 114-128.

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2) 斎藤 秀昭 (1988)

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Cognitive Engineering Laboratory,Tamagawa University