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2012 Pan X, Sakagami M.(2012) Category representation and generalization in the prefrontal cortex. ,Eur J Neurosci. PubMed 22487038
2011 Yamamoto,M., Pan, X.,Nomoto, K.,Sakagami, M.(2011) Multiple neural circuits in value-based decision making, Attention and Performance XXII,
Yotsumoto Y, Seitz AR, Shimojo S, Sakagami M, Watanabe T, Sasaki Y.(2011) Performance Dip in Motor Response Induced by Task-Irrelevant Weaker Coherent Visual Motion Signals. ,Cereb Cortex. PubMed 21940704
Takemura H, Samejima K, Vogels R, Sakagami M, Okuda J.(2011) Stimulus-dependent adjustment of reward prediction error in the midbrain. ,PLoS One. PubMed 22164273
Murai C, Tanaka M, Sakagami M.(2011) Physical intuitions about support relations in monkeys (Macaca fuscata) and apes (Pan troglodytes).,J Comp Psychol.PubMed 21604855
Murai C, Tanaka M, Tomonaga M, Sakagami M.(2011) Long-term visual recognition of familiar persons, peers, and places by young monkeys (Macaca fuscata). Dev Psychobiol. PubMed 21432851
2010 Nomoto K, Schultz W, Watanabe T, Sakagami M.(2010) Temporally extended dopamine responses to perceptually demanding reward-predictive stimuli., J Neurosci. PubMed 20702700
Kobayashi S, Schultz W, Sakagami M.(2010) Operant conditioning of primate prefrontal neurons., J Neurophysiol. PubMed 20107129
2008 Kawasaki M, Watanabe M, Okuda J, Sakagami M, Aihara K.(2008) Human posterior parietal cortex maintains color, shape and motion in visual short-term memory., Brain Res. PubMed 18455152
Pan X, Sawa K, Tsuda I, Tsukada M, Sakagami M.(2008) Reward prediction based on stimulus categorization in primate lateral prefrontal cortex., Nat Neurosci. PubMed 18500338
2007 Watanabe M, Sakagami M.(2007) Integration of cognitive and motivational context information in the primate prefrontal cortex.,Cereb Cortex. PubMed 17725993
Lee D, Rushworth MF, Walton ME, Watanabe M, Sakagami M.(2007) Functional specialization of the primate frontal cortex during decision making., J Neurosci. PubMed 17670961
Sakagami M, Watanabe M.(2007) Integration of cognitive and motivational information in the primate lateral prefrontal cortex.,Ann N Y Acad Sci. PubMed 17416923
Sakagami M, Pan X., Functional role of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in decision making., . Curr Opin Neurobiol. PubMed 17350248
Watanabe M, Hikosaka K, Sakagami M, Shirakawa S. (2007) Reward expectancy-related prefrontal neuronal activities: are they neural substrates of "affective" working memory? Cortex.,43,53-64. PubMed 17334207
Kobayashi S, Kawagoe R, Takikawa Y, Koizumi M, Sakagami M, Hikosaka O.(2007) Functional differences between macaque prefrontal cortex and caudate nucleus during eye movements with and without reward. Exp Brain Res. 176:341-355 PubMed 16902776
2006 Kobayashi S, Nomoto K, Watanabe M, Hikosaka O, Schultz W, Sakagami M. (2006) Influences of rewarding and aversive outcomes on activity in macaque lateral prefrontal cortex.Neuron.,51,861-70. PubMed 16982429
Sakagami M, Pan X, Uttl B.,Behavioral inhibition and prefrontal cortex in decision-making. Neural Netw.,19,1255-65. PubMed 16952442
Sheremata S, Sakagami M. (2006) Increasing distractor strength improves accuracy.,Percept Mot Skills.,102,509-16. PubMed 16826673
2005 Watanabe M, Hikosaka K, Sakagami M, Shirakawa S. (2005) Functional significance of delay-period activity of primate prefrontal neurons in relation to spatial working memory and reward/omission-of-reward expectancy. Exp Brain Res. 2005,166,263-76. PubMed 16034567
2002 Watanabe M, Hikosaka K, Sakagami M, Shirakawa S. (2002) Coding and monitoring of motivational context in the primate prefrontal cortex. J Neurosci.,15;22,2391-400. PubMed 11896178
Kobayashi S, Lauwereyns J, Koizumi M, Sakagami M, Hikosaka O. (2002) Influence of reward expectation on visuospatial processing in macaque lateral prefrontal cortex. J Neurophysiol.,87,1488-98. PubMed 11877521
Lauwereyns J, Takikawa Y, Kawagoe R, Kobayashi S, Koizumi M, Coe B, Sakagami M, Hikosaka O. (2002) Feature-based anticipation of cues that predict reward in monkey caudate nucleus. Neuron.,33,463-73. PubMed 11832232
2001 Lauwereyns J, Sakagami M, Tsutsui K, Kobayashi S, Koizumi M, Hikosaka O. (2001) Responses to task-irrelevant visual features by primate prefrontal neurons. J Neurophysiol.,86,2001-10. PubMed 11600657
Sakagami M, Tsutsui Ki, Lauwereyns J, Koizumi M, Kobayashi S, Hikosaka O. (2001) A code for behavioral inhibition on the basis of color, but not motion, in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex of macaque monkey.,J Neurosci.,2,4801-8. PubMed 11425907
2000 Lauwereyns J, Koizumi M, Sakagami M, Hikosaka O, Kobayashi S, Tsutsui K. (2000) Interference from irrelevant features on visual discrimination by macaques (Macaca fuscata): a behavioral analogue of the human Stroop effect.,J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process.,26,352-7. PubMed 10913998
1999 Sakagami M, Tsutsui K.. (1999) The hierarchical organization of decision making in the primate prefrontal cortex.,Neurosci Res.,34,79-89. PubMed 10498334
1994 Sakagami M, Niki H. (1994) Encoding of behavioral significance of visual stimuli by primate prefrontal neurons: relation to relevant task conditions.,Exp Brain Res.,97,423-36. PubMed 8187854
Sakagami M, Niki H. (1994) Spatial selectivity of go/no-go neurons in monkey prefrontal cortex. ,Exp Brain Res.,100,165-9. PubMed 7813645
2007 坂上雅道 (2007) 高次脳機能研究の新たな展開,学術月報,Vol.60,No.2 ,747,26-30
2005 坂上雅道 (2005). 行動決定と2つの神経回路;単一ニューロンレベルから神経ネットワークレベルまで,動物心理学研究,55, 25-31
坂上雅道 (2005) 反応選択と前頭前野, 神経研究の進歩,49,502-511
2004 坂上雅道 (2004) 意志決定と脳 ─自由意志をとらえることはできるのか,日本生理学雑誌,66,358-65.
2003 坂上雅道 (2003) 行動決定と前頭連合野の階層構造的情報処理機構,基礎心理学研究,22,84-92.
小泉昌司,小林俊輔,則武厚,坂上雅道,彦坂興秀 (2003) 行動決定におよぼす前頭前野へのmuscimol局所注入効果, 玉川大学学術研究所 紀要,9,13-22.
2001 坂上雅道,小泉昌司 (2001) 行動抑制と前頭葉,BRAIN MEDICAL,13,29-35.
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